In this economy folks have started to think about using coupons to make purchases. I go one better and use my computer to go on a mini shopping spree FREE each morning! Thousands of companies worldwide offer free products to get you to eventually buy them. Not scams but great companies like Tide, Purina, Nestles! Many send you a sample size in the mail FREE. These aren't the tiny samples you got from the Avon Lady, they are single serving size or single use samples, very nice! I never choose offers that require postage or shipping and handling charges or any type purchase. I only choose offers that are 100% FREE! I have received free laundry detergent, fabric softener, tooth paste, single size boxes of cereal, shampoo, makeup, This has really helped keep my household budget on track. Turn your eyes to the right hand margin. I have included the feed from Absurdly Cool Freebie Finder to help get you started. You cab subscribe to their feed or visit daily to get new free items. Most items go quickly so you want them fresh.
Legit offers have you fill in a form online and then the product shows up FREE in your mailbox! You will need a form filler such as RoboForm to expedite the process. I have used the free version for years and it works just fine.
Wal*Mart sends out some of the best free products. Bookmark the Free Sample page and check it often so you don't miss anything. Wal*Mart free samples